Friday, December 2, 2011

Apples to Apples

Did you ever notice that apples always look good on the outside? Their leaves are always green, the body is always crimson and crisp looking. Kind of deceiving.

     Just the other day, I bit into an apple. Upon reviewing where I had bitten, the apple had a pinkish remnant to it. My first thought was that my gums were bleeding. Wrong. The apple had in fact been dyed to look more ripe than it was. Hello? Who dyes apples?
Well, the grocery stores do. They want it to look better. I think people are just like dyed apples.
     The last year of my life has been the most interesting ever. It took me 30 years to realize there are not a ton of good people in the world. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bitter or scorned, I just came to the conclusion that there are a lot of selfish people. They have their best interest in mind over the people's that they claim to care about.
     A good friend told me I should write a book, we had a good laugh. Would it include all the shady pick up lines, the tribulations of motherhood, the $130 oil change I so desperately needed? Yes. This just seems easier, and if I had known about blogging 14 months ago, I might have not needed to keep my friends up all night over Michelob lights, repetitive conversations and 1 am phone calls.
I know I'm not the only one with drama, but I'm brave enough to anonymously share it with others, and after a hard day of, well, life..I can share it here.


  1. Hey you should write a book! :) I had no idea about the apple dying

  2. Beans~thanks for your interest! maybe one day my following will worthy of a publishing.. =)

  3. ...too true. smh. but all we can do is be the change we'd like to see in the world.


  4. Dorothy-agreed. btw, i love the name of your blog!
